The Greatest Story ever told ...
And it’s true!

In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.The earth was empty.
Then God said,
“Let there be light !”
He called the light “Day” and the dark “Night”.


God created the sky and seas and the earth,

and then on earth he caused plants and trees to grow, each according to their own design that he had made.




God made the sun and the stars and planets in his universe to set times and seasons. He made the birds to populate the sky, and other creatures to live in the seas. Each were to reproduce according to the design he had given them.

God made land-dwelling creatures, large and small, and finally to crown the work of creation, he made human beings, a man and a woman. He put them in charge of his world, to look after it and the creatures on it.

God saw everything he had made and pronounced it to be very good. By the seventh day he had finished all this work, and he rested from his creative activity, to set us a pattern of work and rest.

The Good News about the Lord Jesus, the Messiah